ROIS Basic Principles of Respect for LGBTQ

We respect diversity and believe that all people with various personalities should be respected.

Our goal is to create a workplace where everyone can live and work as they wish, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We actively promote a better understanding of LGBTQ individuals and strive to establish a comfortable working environment.

Respect for the Individuals:

Gender identity and sexual orientation have no bearing on an individual’s ability which we are prioritizing, primary focus of our organization. We believe discrimination, harassment, or other disadvantages based on minority status should not occur.

Individual Autonomy:

We respect the decision to disclose or not disclose one's identity, such as gender and sexual orientation. We believe that the expression of such information should be controlled by the individual's will and should not be infringed upon by others.

Promote greater understanding of LGBTQ:

We provide training to enhance understanding of LGBTQ issues among our staff, aiming to create a better, more comfortable workplace.

Inter-University Research Institute Corporation,
Research Organization of Information and Systems